Unique and attractive food advertising video ideas

Unique and attractive food advertising video ideas

September 13, 2023

The trend of using food advertising video to attract customers' attention has been becoming popular in the market today. Because we all want to enjoy delicious food and share that exciting experience with many people. So what are the video recording techniques, how to build a unique idea to attract more views? Let's find out with Viewfinder Media through the article below!

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1. Food advertising video becomes an online trend

Food is a very important and indispensable need in our daily life. Currently, food advertising video are a popular marketing strategy for many brands, restaurants and places to eat. Especially short-form promotional videos.

Promotional videos are gradually taking over the form of marketing through text and images on social media platforms. Because of the virality, the ability to make a difference, and the ease of access and transmission of new information that promotional videos bring. In addition, food videos also help stimulate the appetite, appetite of diners and attract them to enjoy.

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Today's favorite marketing strategy

Surely the names like Khoai Lang Thang, Vinh Thich An Ngon, Quan no edge, ... are Food Bloggers very familiar to us. They often combine going to many places and introducing the typical dishes of the land they come to. Food channels have grown rapidly and become a very popular online trend, especially for the 9x and Gen Z generations. If you are looking to make food advertising video, you can come to us. Prestigious production house for advice and making the most impressive videos!

2. 5 Attractive food advertising video ideas

To make your food promotion videos more attractive and attract more viewers, you can refer to the following 5 video ideas:

2.1. Cooking instructions

Cooking video is the first type of food promotion video that you need to refer to. This is the content that many viewers love, it not only brings effective advertising but also has a positive impact on viewers. You can create videos with the recording of ingredients preparation, food preparation, cooking, food display, ...

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Cooking video ideas

They were accompanied by a video script with funny lines and interesting editing. This helps viewers learn how to cook while feeling relaxed and highly entertaining. This type of video is considered a very effective advertising idea.

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2.2. Review of food experience

A review of food experience is a form of food advertising video that has gained significant appeal in recent times. Through the videos recorded by the experiencers, the comments and reviews will be the actual proof of that dish. This type of video helps to increase the brand's credibility and create trust from customers more efficiently.

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Advertising video format through food review

2.3. Introducing dishes

An introduction about the journey of idea generation and the creation of dishes is also a form of food advertising video that is easy to reach viewers. The necessary information about your dish, combined with the integration of visual and audio elements, will bring good communication effects. Moreover, this video idea also helps your dish to reach the target audience easily.

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Idea for making promotional videos by introducing dishes

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2.4. Video B-roll

Currently, B-roll video recording is a popular and widely used trend in many food advertising video. B-roll videos can depict dishes from many different angles. Thereby helping viewers to have a wider view and increase the attractiveness of the dishes. This idea makes the video interesting and easily stimulates the viewer's taste buds.

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Video B-roll helps dishes come alive and more attractive

2.5. Video in recap format

Video recap often captures memorable moments about the food and activities directly related to the dish organized by the brand. This is sure to be a great food advertising video idea. This type of idea will help the brand show a high level of professionalism and make a difference from competitors.

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The idea of ​​recap video recording of food advertising

3. More impressive food commercial shooting techniques

Here are 6 techniques to help you shoot food advertising video that easily impress viewers:

3.1. Slow motion

Slow Motion shooting technique is simply understood as shooting with slow motion. Slow Motion is commonly used in movies, TVC commercials, viral clips, and television footage. Especially in food advertising video, this technique will help viewers feel the authenticity and attractiveness of the dish. With the continuous advancement of technology today, everyone can create slow-motion movies through their phones.

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Slow motion food video recording technique

3.2. Stop motion

Shooting Stop motion is a technique where movements and manipulations will be photographed and combined into a movie. Each frame will display a separate action. It will feel like they were shot seamlessly when assembled in a continuous film sequence. Stop Motion is also one of the popular techniques when promoting food advertising video.

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Stop Motion food shooting technique

3.3. Macro

Macro is the technique of shooting small things. For example, when you record a video of the filling of a cake or shoot spices in a dish, etc., Macro is the right technique in this case. Macro shooting requires you to strike a balance between the techniques of your camera and the natural beauty of things.

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Macro food shooting technique

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3.4. Handheld

Handheld is a video recording technique that can convey content in a close and casual way. It creates a feeling of authenticity for the audience. However, the audience will easily detect careless shaking movements when watching food advertising video with this type of shooting.

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Handheld food video technique

If you don't apply certain filming techniques and be flexible, the video will feel unprofessional. For this reason, the Handheld technique is both an advantage and a worry for many cameramen and filmmakers.

3.5. Dolly

Dolly is a technique of shooting with the camera movement usually forward or backward in real space. This technique requires you to position the camera on a Dolly line to keep the camera steady. Usually, Dolly will be done with a relatively short distance and easily controllable.

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Dolly food video technique

3.6. Horizontal pan

The final technique to make your food advertising video more engaging is the panning technique. This is a technique applied with the aim of depicting a large space when shooting landscapes. Or follow a certain horizontal moving object when shooting sports footage. With this technique, the cameraman simply adjusts the direction of the lens without moving the camera position.

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Panning technique when shooting food videos

4. Notes when shooting promotional videos about food

Some notes when shooting food advertising video that you can refer to to optimize the quality and effectiveness of the video, include:

4.1. Choose a shooting style

The choice of style of food advertising video shooting needs to be consistent with the style of the restaurant and the brand. It is important to note that viewers are often interested in stories that have a strong emotional impact or convey meaningful messages. So you can make videos that are emotional or based on brand characteristics that convey relevant messages. You need to research and tweak to choose the right style to achieve the best communication effect.

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Choose a style of food video recording that matches the style of the brand

4.2. Creative scripting

Ideas and scripts are always essential in any advertising campaign. The more unique and creative the idea is, the easier it is to impress the audience. Not only that, the script must also match customer needs and product morphology. In order to highlight the information of the product that needs to be conveyed to the customer.

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Build a good script to make the video highly effective

Food advertising video require you to create content and prepare a script carefully. This helps you identify the main subject in the video and highlight it. In addition, it also helps to reduce rambling and videos that do not convey the desired content.

4.3. Determine video length

Another note that you need to pay attention to when making a food promotion video is choosing the right video length. Choosing a reasonable length will reduce boredom for viewers and bring the best marketing effect. Depending on the purpose of communication, the video will have appropriate content and time.

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Determine the appropriate video time to avoid boredom

4.4. Professional shooting techniques and angles

For food advertising video, conveying close-up images of the dishes is essential. Along with clear, sharp images, it will show its appeal and attract many viewers who want to try it out. To be able to meet this, the choice of technique and shooting angle is an important factor determining the attractiveness of the video.

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Should choose professional shooting angles and techniques for high efficiency

4.5. Brand integration

To make a lasting impression on your customers, you should incorporate brand elements throughout your promotional video. Brand elements include mascots, distinctive colors, slogans, etc. When the combination of sounds, colors, and interesting scenarios along with brand elements, the more likely viewers will remember them.

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Integrating the brand into the food promotion video

4.6. Satisfy the senses

Experience a dish not only through the taste it brings but also through the visually appealing layout of the customer. But, for a food advertising video, the brand can attract customers through both visuals and sounds. This helps the brand elevate the appeal of the dish and makes up for the lack of other sensory elements.

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The dishes should satisfy customers with many senses, not just taste

4.7. Add the human element

Food advertising video should not only focus on the product but also add human elements. This contributes to the addition of the video context, making it easier for viewers to relate and feel closer.

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Add human elements to promotional videos to create familiarity

4.8. Diversity of communication channels

In the current 4.0, Social Media is becoming an effective tool to help businesses' products closer to the public. Therefore, businesses need to diversify communication channels to achieve maximum effectiveness. Not only broadcasting ads on TV, we should also optimize food advertising video on Digital Marketing channels and most social networking platforms. This is fertile ground to help businesses get closer to customers and attract high video views.

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Diversify communication channels to reach customers

The power of video marketing in today's technology era is endless, so creating food advertising video is extremely important. The above article includes shooting techniques and some notes to create delicious and attractive promotional videos. Hope the article has provided you with a lot of useful knowledge in the process of building your brand. Contact Viewfinder Media immediately if you have any questions you need answered!

food advertising videofood promotion video

Founded in 2008, we specialize in producing TV shows, ad videos, TV commercials, and other types of content. We have continuously improved our services to become one of the top production houses in Vietnam. We offer our clients the perfect service and deliver the most effective creativity.

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