Professional 3D Advertising Film Making Process And Benefits

Professional 3D Advertising Film Making Process And Benefits

September 13, 2023

3D advertising film making is creating a promotional video using 3D technology. The process of creating a 3D ad involves many different steps. Specifically, let's follow the information below with Viewfinder Media.

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1. What is 3D advertising film making?

3D advertising film making is creating a video using 3D images. This is a form of advertising using 3D graphics to create the most vivid and intuitive story for viewers. 3D technology creates vibrant, realistic images. Currently, in Vietnam, the application of 3D advertising films in marketing is being chosen and appreciated by many people.

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Making movies, TVC advertising 3D is creating unique and unique images

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2. Advantages of 3D advertising film

3D advertising film making has become a useful and popular advertising medium for many businesses in recent years. Because 3D advertising films bring many attractive advantages to owners including viewers. Here are the advantages that 3D advertising films bring.

2.1 Impressive and vivid images

3D movies are built by projecting two different angles at the same time, creating impressive and eye-catching images. The images in the film are meticulously elaborated, realistic and sharp. So when watching 3D movies will give you vivid, interesting images.

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2 Wide angle for impressive images

2.2 Make a difference, attract viewers

3D advertising film making requires a lot of creativity, so the image that the film brings is very multi-dimensional. This causes the viewer's brain to constantly reconstruct the images in depth and width to enjoy the realistic images. Viewers will have realistic experiences such as flying in the air and diving into the sea. This is the difference that attracts more viewers than 3D commercials bring.

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The images in the 3D promotional film are unique and special

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2.3 Consumption products increase

3D commercials impress and attract a lot of attention from viewers. With multi-dimensional image creation technology, viewers are always searching and hunting. This helps to increase the consumption of products.

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Products with increased sales

2.4 Increase brand value for businesses

As mentioned above, when the number of people looking for and buying 3D advertising film products will make sales quickly. When businesses bring to the market quality products, they will be known by many people and increase their brand value.

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Using 3D advertising films to help businesses increase brand awareness

2.5 Reasonable cost

The cost of 3D advertising film making depends on many factors such as advertising purposes, time, production technology, and target audience. Therefore, before using it, it is necessary to consider the cost and profit. However, compared to 2D movies, 3D movies have a much lower cost but ensure high image quality.

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The cost of making movies is reasonable compared to your pocket

3. 3D advertising film making process

To make movies and 3D promotional video, needs a lot of stages and supporting software. Here is the 3D advertising film making process:

  • Step 1: Receiving requests and consulting scripts: The first important step is to determine the purpose of the 3D promotional film and survey the needs of the customer.
  • Step 2: Build a script: Next, build an idea to write a script for a 3D commercial. It is necessary to determine what to do and what is the specific time of each activity to be able to convey the message in an attractive way, attracting customers. At the same time, create reasonable and vibrant scenes and scenes. Create and design attractive movie characters.
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The 3D advertising film making process includes many steps

  • Step 3: Organize production: In this step, quality support software should be used to record 3D angles to create realistic strokes. Once filming is complete, proceed to the next stage of editing. This process includes cutting, editing, and stitching recorded footage into a complete movie. At the same time, add effects such as sound, and color to increase the vividness of the movie.
  • Step 4: Post-production, animation, VFX: After making the complete 3D promotional film, the next step is to create the movie trailer. In this step, cut and merge and special, most impressive images in the video to impress viewers to attract attention. In order for the film to be complete and attract the audience, it is advisable to give short shots from the beginning to the end. Should bring vibrant, fun images.
  • Step 5: Finalization and acceptance: After completing the films, they should be checked and accepted before being put on the market to detect errors.

Each step plays an important role in creating an impressive, quality 3D commercial. Therefore, you should not skip any steps.

4. 3D advertising film application industries

Currently, there are many application industries for 3D advertising film making to attract customers. 3D advertising films are widely used in advertising simulations in the information technology industry, simulation of biotechnology solutions or in the field of real estate, construction, ...

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3D advertising films are widely used in event and product advertisements

5. Notes when shooting 3D movies and promotional videos

When making 3D promotional films, there are a few important things to keep in mind to ensure the quality and effectiveness of the final product. Here are a few tips that will help you:

  • Ensure quality sound, continuous and smooth movie shots: Sound plays an important role in creating a sense of reality. Therefore, you should choose lively sounds and create sound effects that attract customers. At the same time, make sure that the shots are coherent, linked together so as not to cause confusion.
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Notes should be considered before making 3D commercials

  • Use the right technique: Use the correct camera techniques to create quality 3D effects. Use depth and width shots for quality footage.
  • Pay attention to the cost: Low-cost businesses should use another app to advertise instead of using 3D promotional videos. It is not reasonable to spend too much while corporate finance is too little.

So Viewfinder Media has shared the most detailed ways to 3D advertising film making. Before starting to make movies, 3D advertising TVC you should consider the cost and profit.


3D advertising film makingmaking 3D promotional films

Founded in 2008, we specialize in producing TV shows, ad videos, TV commercials, and other types of content. We have continuously improved our services to become one of the top production houses in Vietnam. We offer our clients the perfect service and deliver the most effective creativity.

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