Learn In Details What Shot List Is In Filming

Learn In Details What Shot List Is In Filming

December 13, 2023

When you create a film or video product, it is impossible not to mention the shotlist. Understanding what shot list is will help you know what scenes need to be shot during the day and not miss important scenes. The article below from Viewfinder Media will introduce you to shotlists, how to create shotlists and some things to note when doing so.

1. What shot list is?

What shot list is ? Shotlist is a summary of all the shots planned to be taken during a day or a project. Shot list will provide you with a specific list of shots to check and help the crew understand their progress.

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Learn about what shot list is?

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2. How to create a shot list

So what is the way to create a shot list? To create a shot list, you first need a complete script. Then, you will discuss with the director what scenes need to be taken. The final step is to recreate those scenes in the most intuitive way on paper or computer.

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Method to create shot list

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3. Shot list analysis table

The shotlist breakdown can be adjusted to suit the purposes of each filming project. However, usually a shot list template will have the following elements:

  • Where is the scene, how is the scene arranged?
  • How many characters are there in that scene?
  • What props are used in this scene?
  • What is the camera angle in this scene (close-up, wide shot) …)?
  • How to take a shot (still shot, moving shot, dolly...)?
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Common elements in shotlist

  • How many cameras are in the set, which camera is the main one?
  • How are the lighting and effects set up?
  • Is the scene taken indoors (INT) or outside (EXT)?
  • Does the scene take place during the day (D) or at night (N)?

4. Some things to consider when making a shot list

After learning about what a shot list is and how to do it, you can basically make your own shotlist. However, to make this shot list more complete and perfect, you need to pay special attention to some of the following factors:

4.1. Relevance

B-roll may not be needed in storyboards, but you should include B-roll in your shot list. Adding B-roll or Overage can help diversify your shots, not being stuck in a single shot. This will give you more resources and save you time in post-production.

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B-roll helps make scenes more diverse

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4.2. Consider filming time and setup

Time and setup are the next factors that answer the question of what things to consider when making a shot list. Time is always an important factor in every scene. If you know how much time it will take you to shoot a scene, you can calculate how many takes you'll have to do in a day. From there, a suitable filming plan will be made.

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Calculate the time of each shot for easy planning.

4.3. Pay attention to the camera angle

If the shot requires multiple angles, start with a wide angle and then slowly work your way up to a close-up. When filming a wide scene, you need to set up the scene in the most beautiful and reasonable way, because the wide scene will cover the entire space. On the contrary, when switching to close-ups, you don't need to worry too much about setup because you only focus on a fixed point.

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Rotation angle also needs to be paid attention to when making what shot list is

4.4. Once a day

Last but not least, what is the most important thing when creating a shot list? If your project requires long filming, break up the filming days and create a shot list for each day. Breaking up the shotlist will help each day's footage be taken more seriously. In addition, the operator will not be distracted by another day's filming.

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Create a shotlist for each day

The above article is all the information to help you answer the question "What shot list is?" Through the article, you probably understand that creating a shot list will help filming go more smoothly. If you still have any questions that need to be answered, please contact Viewfinder Media immediately for the fastest support!


what short list is

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