What is time lapse video? How to record a simple time lapse video

What is time lapse video? How to record a simple time lapse video

October 13, 2023

Surely all of us have heard the phrase "video time lapse" on our phones. However there is no clear understanding of how to use it to create beautiful movies. If you are one of those who do not understand clearly, please join Viewfinder Media to find out through the article below!

1. What is time lapse video?

Video time lapse is a form of stop-motion but is more special in that it is fast-forwarded in real time while the stop-motion still occurs at normal speed. Time lapse video is intended to help people's eyes clearly see very slow movements such as blooming flowers, drifting clouds, or speed up movements in a normal state to increase the drama of the scene.

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Time-lapse videos

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2. Advantages of time lapse video

Many of you have applied video time lapse recording techniques to get attractive and vivid videos. Here are the outstanding advantages of using the time-lapse video technique:

  • Time lapse video recording can reach high resolution, even up to 2K, 4K, 5K. The quality of the video is much higher than conventional recording methods.
  • The ability to fast-forward movements, giving viewers a video that depicts the process of events happening faster than the slow movements of reality.
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Using time lapse video technique will give viewers a dramatic feeling

  • Recording video time lapse will take advantage of exposure, thereby creating many special effects such as Blur or Motion Blur.
  • Fast movement in a short period of time creates a more dramatic, new and lively feeling.

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3. How is time lapse video different from other types of videos?

Please refer to the comparison table below for a more general overview of time lapse video.

Video time lapse
Regular videos
Time - Warp
Time-lapse videos help viewers see movements that are inherently very slow that humans cannot continuously monitor such as blooming/withering flowers, drifting clouds, sunrise/sunset,...
Viewers will see the rotation speed in normal mode. The events in the video happened in reality.
Time-warp allows video to be recorded at thousands of frames per second, then played back at normal speed. The purpose of this will be to help viewers clearly see very fast movements like a bullet being shot out of a gun barrel more slowly and in more detail.

4. Application of time lapse video recording

Here are two common applications of using time lapse video recording:

4.1 Create video art works

With the strong development of today's art space, time lapse is a unique and sustainable approach. This is also an interesting experience for all photography enthusiasts in the world.

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Create works of art using time lapse

4.2 Application in research

Time lapse video technique is commonly used in programs about natural exploration and learning about the biological world and living environment. Time lapse brings scientific knowledge closer and clearer to people.

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Track the flower blooming process thanks to the use of time-lapse

5. How to easily record time lapse videos with your phone

The 2 ways to record time lapse video with your phone below will make your process easier.

5.1 Record videos on iPhone

The following is a detailed description of how to record time lapse videos on iPhone:

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Steps to record time lapse on iPhone

  • Step 1: You need to have an iPhone with iOS 8 or higher. Next, find a nice angle with good lighting conditions. Place the device firmly on the phone stand and rotate it horizontally for reasonable proportions.
  • Step 2: Open the camera app, then in the shooting mode options, select time lapse mode
  • Step 3: In this step you can customize parameters on your phone such as choosing focus point or brightness.
  • Step 4: Specifically, touch a point on the frame that you want the camera to focus on. If you want to fix this point, you need to hold it down for a few seconds, then a yellow frame with the text AE/AF lock indicates that this focus point has been locked. If you want to remove this lock, just touch it again.
  • Step 5: After making adjustments, press the Record button to start recording time lapse video. If you want to stop, press that button again. The video will be stored in the iPhone's library.

5.2 Recording on Android

To perform time lapse video recording on Android phones, you can refer to the following steps:

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How to record time-lapse videos on Android

  • Step 1: You need to get yourself a phone with Hyperlapse feature. In addition, you also need to prepare other details such as a nice camera angle and a fixed phone stand.
  • Step 2: Open the Camera application, then select video recording mode, then in the recording mode options, select Hyperlapse.
  • Step 3: Start selecting the focus on the frame and adjusting the brightness.
  • Step 4: When everything is perfect, press the red record button to start recording the video. To end this process, press the Record button again and the video will be saved in the library or file manager.

6. Other special forms of Timelapse

Time lapse video also takes on other special forms when you use this technique. Specifically:

6.1 Floral Timelapse

This is a form of time lapse technique used when users want to review the flower blooming process in detail. Because it is difficult to detect when you only observe with the naked eye. You follow the steps like 5 to 10 minutes to capture 1 frame, then project at 30 fps. So you can fast forward the flowering speed from 9000 to 18000 times and the entire process is shortened to just a few minutes or tens of seconds.

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Floral time-lapse

6.2 Drive lapse

This technique allows users to see the vehicle's moving speed fast forward up to 10 times if done as follows: attach the camera on the neck of moving vehicles such as bicycles, motorbikes, cars, … and select the exposure time effect then shoot at 3 fps and play back with 30 fps video, so you will get the result as mentioned above. However, when using this method, you will often encounter the problem of the camera getting dusty when moving. Thus, the image processing process in captured image frames is somewhat more difficult and time-consuming.

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Drive lapse

Above is the basic information about time lapse video along with simple recording methods on your phone that you need to know. Hopefully, this article will somehow help make your video recording process easier. If you have any questions, please contact Viewfinder Media immediately for answers!


time lapse video

Founded in 2008, we specialize in producing TV shows, ad videos, TV commercials, and other types of content. We have continuously improved our services to become one of the top production houses in Vietnam. We offer our clients the perfect service and deliver the most effective creativity.

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