What is pre-production? Learn A - Z about pre-production in film production

What is pre-production? Learn A - Z about pre-production in film production

October 13, 2023

What is pre-production the significance in the long process of producing films? Are you wondering where to start preparing before shooting the camera? Don't worry, the following article from Viewfinder Media will send you full information about this stage!

1. What is pre-production?

The pre-production stage is also known as the pre-production stage. This is the first and most important stage in a film production process. The pre-production phase includes preparation and planning before filming movies or promotional videos. To ensure that production takes place smoothly and efficiently. Above is a complete answer to the question "What is pre-production?".

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Pre-production concept

In addition, this stage usually begins after you turn your favorite idea into a complete screenplay. Usually, it lasts from a few weeks to several months. Although it can take a lot of time, pre-production will be of great help to your projects. This phase includes tasks such as finding filming locations, recruiting actors, preparing costumes and props, designing filming scenes, etc.

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2. What is the importance of pre-production?

Pre-production is an important stage because it provides the basis for the film production process and ensures all necessary elements are fully prepared. So what is the importance of pre-production? This is the stage that helps you clearly define the goal and main message that the advertisement or movie wants to convey. Thereby, it helps you shape appropriate content, images and sounds.

This stage also helps you determine your budget and ensure that resources are allocated properly. This is the time you can find and choose actors that suit the requirements of the film. Additionally, also identify the film crew and professionals needed to carry out the production.

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The importance of pre-production

Furthermore, pre-production also helps you ensure that the necessary technical equipment, facilities, and technology are prepared and ready for production. It helps determine where to film and design the right set for a commercial or movie. In short, pre-production plays a decisive role in the quality and success of the final product.

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3. 13 Steps needed in pre-production

Below are the indispensable steps when it comes to the pre-production stage:

3.1. Script development

What is film script development in pre-production? This step plays an important role in the process of completing a quality film. Building a script helps producers not get lost on topic and develop content in the correct direction.

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Make a plot

3.2. Storyboards and shot lists

Converting the screenplay into storyboards and creating shot lists is the next step in pre-production. The storyboard movie script is illustrated by vivid images similar to comics. It will help you visualize what the screenplay will look like once converted into visuals. Many people believe that if the script is a manual, then the storyboard is the road map.

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Design storyboards and create shot lists

Making a shot list or making a shot list in the pre-production stage is a way to help producers estimate production costs, design filming schedules, prepare necessary equipment, etc. Besides, here is a step that helps the production process ensure the necessary number of scenes for the project.

3.3. Scenario analysis

What is the next step in pre-production? That is the script breakdown. This step helps you inventory and prepare all necessary equipment such as props, cameras, lenses, costumes, sound equipment, power supplies, filming locations, actors, etc.

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Movie script analysis

You should not do this step alone to avoid omissions. You need to spend a lot of time on this step, it is essential in the pre-production phase.

3.4. Schedule a shoot

What is the impact of setting the filming schedule on pre-production? It profoundly affects production costs and resource allocation. If filming needs to take place in many different locations. This step plays a role in making it easier to control, less expensive and effectively cuts production costs.

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Set up a movie filming schedule

Scheduling filming and choosing filming time depends on the actors or filming location. If you set up an unreasonable schedule, the filming process will be continuously interrupted.

3.5. Budget and funding

Creating a budget and funding is the next step you need to take. In this step, you will estimate costs such as transportation fees, equipment rental, filming location rental, set design costs, etc. You need to determine what is worth spending and what is not worth spending. To avoid waste and loss of costs.

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Prepare a budget for filming

The budget setting step in pre-production greatly affects the film before shooting. The script will be changed if the cost is not enough to carry out expensive scenes. Therefore, the process of completing the work may be delayed.

3.6. Assemble the film crew

What is the film crew assembly in pre-production? The film crew includes the producer, head of production, actors, etc. The meaning of this step is to ensure that every member of the crew has analyzed the script carefully. From there, the process of completing the film or promotional video will go more smoothly and effectively.

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Gather the staff in the group

You should contact those who cannot participate in the meeting to remind them of the filming schedule. Things don't always happen according to the plan we want. Therefore, you should anticipate any uncertainty and be prepared to deal with it.

3.7. Production design

What is production design in pre-production? This is an important step that determines how your film will look. For example, romantic comedy movies will be designed with bright colors. Or horror movies edited with dark and gloomy colors. The production design step helps you determine the film's theme, choose a filming location, appropriate color temperature, makeup layout, setting, etc.

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Carry out production ideas

3.8. Casting actors

Casting actors is an important step in the pre-production stage. To get the cast you want, you need to understand which elements are right for your project. You have to determine whether to work with famous actors, or less famous actors. The talent and popularity of each actor will determine their salary.

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Select actors for the project

You can select actors through many different methods. Such as searching at schools, through advertising, social networks or referrals from colleagues.

3.9. Context design

What is set design in pre-production? It is the creation of a space or environment to serve the filming or TVC filming process. Setting the scene helps viewers have an overview and better understand the characters, plot, and context. The main goal of this step is to create an eye-catching and interesting space that attracts the viewer's interest.

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Create a backdrop for filming

3.10. Legal procedures

What is the significance of this step in pre-production? This is a step that involves legal factors. You can skip this step if you're just filming at home with friends and using available equipment. What about filming in public places or places that do not belong to you and renting equipment? You should follow the advice below:

  • You should research and buy risk insurance for equipment, crew as well as filming locations.
  • When you want to film in a public place, you need to contact and ask for a permit from the local government. If you don't ask for permission, your film crew will easily be harassed by the police and even banned from filming.
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What are the legal procedures in pre-production?

  • You should proceed with making a contract if you are worried that the actors and crew members will later make claims. If you feel like your expenses are exceeding your expectations, this is the simplest way to be transparent about your expenses.
  • When you need to use someone else's images in a movie, you should contact and ask for permission from their owner to limit unnecessary trouble.

3.11. Arrange equipment

Equipment that needs to be prepared includes video recording equipment, sound recording equipment, lighting, etc. In this step, you need to consider the condition and performance of each existing equipment. You conduct an assessment and make a list of equipment that needs to be purchased new or rented to serve the pre-production phase.

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Arrange and check machinery

Then, you research and contact suppliers to buy or rent the missing equipment. By arranging equipment, you will ensure that the production process of the film crew takes place according to the plan you want.

3.12. Costumes and props

What do you need to complete before shooting in pre-production? That is to ensure adequate costumes and props for the filming process. The actors' costumes need to ensure continuity and flexibility in many scenes at many different times. In addition, you need to make a careful list and inventory of related props such as items such as cars, guns, TVs, tissues, etc.

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Make sure you have all the necessary props and costumes

3.13. Rehearse before filming

What is the final step in pre-production? That's the practice before filming. Between pre-production and production, you'll have time to polish all the elements you've got ready for filming. Rehearsals are essential to get an overview of the script and help the actors understand each other better through auditions or line readings.

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Rehearsing before shooting is the last step

The article above includes full overview information about what is pre-production, its importance and the steps needed during this stage. Hopefully you have gained more useful knowledge about the film and advertising video production process through the article. If you need any questions answered, please contact Viewfinder Media immediately!


What is pre-production

Founded in 2008, we specialize in producing TV shows, ad videos, TV commercials, and other types of content. We have continuously improved our services to become one of the top production houses in Vietnam. We offer our clients the perfect service and deliver the most effective creativity.

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