What Is Shutter Speed? What It Mean And How To Measure

What Is Shutter Speed? What It Mean And How To Measure

October 14, 2023

Shutter speed is one of the important factors affecting images. So do you know what shutter speed is and how to adjust it? Let's find out more details with Viewfinder Media in this article!

1. What is shutter speed?

The shutter is a very important part of the camera made of metal and placed in front of the sensor. When the camera fires, the new shutter opens to capture light and closes immediately to prevent light from shining directly on the sensor.

So what is shutter speed? Shutter speed can be understood simply as the amount of time the shutter is open for the sensor to capture light, or the amount of time the camera takes to take a photo.

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Learn about shutter speed

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2. The meaning of shutter speed

Shutter speed is not simply an indicator but it affects the brightness and sharpness of the photo. Therefore, understanding the meaning of camera shutter speed will help create special effects when taking photos.

2.1. Shutter speed and aperture

Aperture and shutter speed work together to adjust the amount of light hitting the sensor. With a large aperture, the sensor only needs a short amount of time to receive the necessary amount of light. With the same exposure value, if you want to get a clear image area (DOF), use slow speed - small aperture. If you want to capture motion, use fast speed - large aperture.

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The larger the aperture, the faster the shutter speed

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2.2. Shutter speed and exposure

Exposure is another extremely important effect, it determines the brightness of the photo. If you set the shutter speed at a low speed, the sensor will be exposed to light more time and the photo will be brighter. On the contrary, if you set a high speed, the camera's sensor will have less time to capture light and the image will be darker.

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Proper exposure helps prevent photos from being overexposed

2.3. Shutter speed and ISO

Shutter speed and ISO have a supportive relationship with each other. You can adjust either of these factors to control the amount of light entering the camera. However, increasing ISO in low light conditions can cause noise and washed out colors. Therefore, before increasing the ISO, people often reduce the shutter speed first.

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ISO and shutter affect each other

3. How to measure shutter speed

Shutter speed is measured in seconds and expressed as a fraction – the larger the denominator, the faster the speed. For example, 1/250s is faster than 1/30s. Nowadays, camera shutter speeds can handle up to 1/4000s, even 1/8000s or faster.

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Fast shutter speed for clear photos

The slowest speed typically set on almost any camera is 1/30s, and you can adjust it faster if needed. When you hold the camera by hand, you should use a shutter speed greater than 1/125s to avoid image shake. If you use a low speed, you will need to use a tripod.

4. Where is the camera shutter speed displayed?

For LCD screen cameras the shutter speed is usually displayed in the top left corner of the screen. If your camera doesn't have an LCD screen, you can see this number in the lower left through the viewfinder. As for mirrorless cameras, you can see the shutter speed by looking at the rear screen. In some cases, to save space the displayed shutter speed is 200 instead of 1/200.

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The camera screen displays shutter parameters

5. Fast and slow shutter speeds?

Depending on the purpose of the photo you want to take, you can adjust the shutter speed fast or slow to create the corresponding effect:

  • Fast shutter speed: Usually 1/125s or less. A fast speed will create a motion freezing effect, so it is very suitable for taking fast-moving photos. This will help the subject of the photo be recorded clearly, without blurring. 
  • Slow shutter speed: Usually a speed over 1s. Slow speeds are suitable for night photography, low-light photography, or when you want to create a motion blur effect. However, when setting a slow speed, you should have a tripod to keep the sharpness of the photo.
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Fast and slow camera shutter speeds

6. Instructions for setting shutter speed

Most cameras have an auto mode, where the speed is adjusted by the camera according to environmental conditions and shooting mode. Additionally, you can also change to another self-adjusting mode:

  • Manual mode: Allows the photographer to change shutter speed, aperture, ISO as desired. This mode is suitable for those who want to master every situation but requires the user to flexibly switch. 
  • Shutter priority mode: When in this mode, you will choose the shutter speed yourself and the camera will Automatically calculates aperture. This mode is suitable when you need to capture moving or slow-moving objects.
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Set the shutter speed based on the purpose of taking photos

7. How to adjust shutter speed when filming

Normally, point-and-shoot cameras will automatically adjust the shutter speed. However, because this is a pre-set algorithm, there will be cases where errors occur and shots are not taken correctly. At this point, you should switch to manual mode for easier control.

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Rotate the knob to adjust the speed

If your camera has a speed priority mode, denoted S or Tv, you will adjust the shutter parameters yourself. Adjustment is relatively simple, you just need to rotate the auxiliary gear on the camera body or the buttons depending on the type of camera to increase or decrease the shutter speed.

8. Choose the best shutter speed

Choosing the right shutter speed will help you create the perfect photo, attracting viewers.

8.1. Take photos outdoors

When taking photos outdoors, adjust the camera shutter speed based on environmental light. If you take photos on a bright sunny day, you will need to use a fast shutter speed to avoid overexposure. However, if you are taking photos outdoors in normal lighting conditions such as under trees or in cool weather, you will be able to use a moderate shutter speed.

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Take photos outside in the sun

8.2. Take portrait photos

Taking portrait photos in natural light you can choose the maximum aperture of the lens to separate the subject from the background. In bright lighting conditions, you need to use a fast shutter speed to reduce the amount of light entering the camera due to the wide aperture.

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Shutter speed is suitable for portraits

8.3. Motion blur

To capture motion blur you can try a shutter speed of 1/15s or less depending on the speed of the subject and your distance from it. Another technique for shooting is choosing a slow shutter speed, then trying to pan your camera to the subject and press the shutter button at the same time.

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The photo was taken with a slow shutter speed

8.4. Moving objects

Depending on how fast the subject is moving, you will need to use the appropriate camera shutter speed. To freeze motion while the photo is still sharp, you should choose a speed of 1/500s or higher. After taking a photo, review it on the camera's screen. If the motion is still blurred, increase the speed.

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Fast shutter speed captures every movement of the water

8.5. Shutter speed for video

The general rule of thumb when adjusting shutter speed when filming is to double the frame rate. For example, if you are shooting at 30 fps your shutter speed should be 1/60, at 60 fps your shutter speed should be 1/120.

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Adjust video recording shutter speed

Thus, shutter speed is one of the important factors in photography. Hopefully Viewfinder Media's sharing will help you understand more about photography and then choose appropriate photography parameters. If you have any questions, please contact us for answers.


shutter speed

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