The duration of TVC is an important factor in determining the cost that the company needs to pay. The length of TVC needs to be carefully measured to deliver enough content and ensure cost. If you are looking to know how long the ideal TVC ad duration is, do not ignore the following article by Viewfinder Media.
1. How much effective is TVC's duration?
The length and way of conveying the message to the viewers of TVC all have a certain effect on the communication effectiveness of the product. However, many businesses still do not know how much time should be chosen for TVC advertising to be appropriate. Businesses need to focus on what platforms that TVC ad is broadcast on.
1.1 TV time on television
To have a quality TVC with beautiful images and effects, businesses sometimes have to spend a small amount of money to implement. Especially for TVs advertised on television, the advertising time will be calculated based on a second scale with clear norms.

What is the ideal time for TVC on television?
The shorter the TVC, the more directly the transmission problem will be exploited. Recalling the message so that the audience remembers a piece of footage only 15, to 20 seconds often has to have a focus. Television advertising can reach many viewers at the same time in many different locations. However, this is also a weakness because of the lack of focus on the product's customer file. The cost to make TVC ads on television is quite large.
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1.2 Length of advertising on social networks
Popular social networking sites such as Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, ... always appear advertising videos in many different forms. When you are watching a video on the youtube platform and suddenly a 6s promotional video pops up, usually we will tend to click skip if the promotional video is not impressive. The skip action takes place only when you see that the ad is not helping or is bothering you.

Ideal TVC duration on social networking platforms
There is no need to have a standard time regulation like advertising on television, so the performance of advertising videos on social is quite diverse with many different time limits.
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2. Importance of TVC duration
Although the duration of TVC advertising does not greatly affect the effectiveness of TVC content, it cannot be denied its importance. Here are some of the reasons why TV ad duration is so important.
2.1 Customer retention
Duration is one of the factors that determine the customer experience. A TVC with a short duration but extremely catchy music and melodies, while still being able to convey enough of the message of the product to be promoted, can be considered a success. In contrast, a long TVC but do not know how to exploit the story of the product to convey will not leave much after watching.

This is a customer retention factor
2.2 Communicating effectively
The duration of TVC can determine the speed of information transmission to customers, leaving a brand mark on the viewer's mind even if it's just a glance. For short-lived TVC, it requires workers to know how to filter out the most essential and quintessential information about the product to include. Advertising television must avoid unnecessary information flow disturbance. Short-lived TVCs are easy to increase brand awareness.

Communicating the brand's message effectively to the audience
2.3 Fits the budget
If the customer wants the duration of TVC to fit their budget, the quality and message of TVC will be less but no loss compared to a long TVC of up to a few minutes.

Make sure it fits your business budget
2.4 Multi-channel broadcasting
The short advertising duration of TVC will be very convenient for broadcasting on television and other social networking platforms. This way, businesses do not have to spend a lot of effort to make different TVCs to serve on many platforms but the quality is still high. And of course, there must be a careful investment in both form and content of TVC.

TVC has a short duration that is easily broadcast on many media
3. Factors affecting the duration for TVC
There are many factors that affect the production of the correct duration of a TVC advertisement. In some cases, TVC advertising has a short duration, it is necessary to know how to present the core value of the product from the very beginning. As for the long-running TV commercials that want to be successful, they need to focus on the message to be able to touch the hearts of the viewers and the customers' pockets.

The company's budget is one of the factors affecting TVC's duration
Here we will list out the 3 most prominent factors affecting the duration of TVC:
- Products need to focus on advertising
- The message and script of the advertising TVC
- Client's budget.
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4. Choose the right TVC advertising duration
Currently, the duration of TVC advertising is also quite diverse, but the basic and commonly used TVC advertising duration is still the 3 types below.
4.1 15 seconds
In the current era, 15-second TVC ads are considered by many to be the most suitable duration on all platforms today. Because of the fast pace of life and today's changing needs, people prefer to save the time they need to spend watching ads. The interesting thing that can be said here is that after the 45s and 30s long TV commercials appeared, the 15-second TVCs also started to stand out from there. This is seen as an improvement in duration.

TVC commercial 15 seconds long is the right duration on all platforms
4.2 30 seconds
30 seconds is just enough time for a brand to make an emotional connection and help increase brand awareness to many viewers. The duration of 30 seconds is an ideal amount of time for both companies and brands to effectively exploit the 3 elements of an advertisement:
- Content
- Image
- Sound

30 seconds is just enough time to connect viewers' emotions with the brand's message
4.3 45 seconds
Just like the length of 30 seconds, a 45-second TV ad is enough to promote and convey all aspects of the brand. Moreover, the 45-second TVC commercial duration will have many opportunities to take care of each frame, the shooting techniques will also become more professional, conveying more messages and emotions in that TVC segment.

45 seconds TVC duration will have many opportunities to take care of each frame
5. Ideal duration for a TVC
So to answer the question "How long is the ideal duration for a TVC?" then the relative answer would be: 30 seconds. This is just enough time to ensure the time to convey the message that the brand wants to send to the audience, making them feel satisfied after watching. When attracting a certain audience, then the duration of TVC will be able to change flexibly depending on the budget and needs of the brand.

The ideal time for 1 TVC would be 30 seconds
Above is the basic information about the duration of TVC that you can refer to. You should choose an ad duration that suits both your budget and the message you want to convey in TVC. If you have any questions contact Viewfinder Media - We're here to help.
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Founded in 2008, we specialize in producing TV shows, ad videos, TV commercials, and other types of content. We have continuously improved our services to become one of the top production houses in Vietnam. We offer our clients the perfect service and deliver the most effective creativity.